Thursday, March 29, 2018

God’s Grace & Mercy!

Testimony: A heartbroken mother contacted our ministry for prayer. She shared with me that her son who had been raised in church by loving, committed Christian parents was backslidden.  This is hard for a parent to understand. We prayed diligently and faithfully for him and his family. “…The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NIV)

One day her firstborn son had a terrible car accident. His car rolled over several times, stopping just a few feet from going into a canyon. Witnesses hurried to the scene, expecting to find him dead. He miraculously came through the accident with only minor injuries. His mother, knowing that this was an “Answer To Prayer” rejoiced and wrote us a letter. She said everything about the accident revealed God’s grace and mercy. It was obvious to her that her son’s life was preserved for the Glory of God. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14: 13 To God Be The Glory!

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We Will Agree With You In Prayer For Your Special Need.
When Two Or More Agree Things Happen And Prayers Get Answered!

Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this testimony, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in its entirety and the message should not be changed. Hilda Arredondo's name and her website and e-mail address should accompany this message as you print it. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point the National Divine Connection of Prayer its Website and Morning Glory Kingdom Works has no representatives outside this ministry. We are NOT a non-profit entity or affiliated with any denomination or other churches. All ministry business is solely maintained by hilda arredondo, 195 El Shaddai Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Grounded In Jesus

Testimony: A woman who was a single parent with many problems was never able to establish herself in one place for very long. When she would encounter any type of adversity she would run back to the old way of life and all it’s temptations. National Divine Connection and all our prayer warriors had been praying for her and the children. 

Once again trouble came knocking at her door and she had a decision to make. She knew in her heart that it was time to stand in faith and came to the conclusion that she couldn’t run from her problems anymore. The “Victory Report” is that for the first time in many years she overcame and was able to stay in one place for a year. What a victory it is to be rooted and grounded in the Lord! Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught…” Colossians 2:7 (NIV) To God be the Glory!

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We Will Agree With You In Prayer For Your Special Need.
When Two Or More Agree Things Happen And Prayers Get Answered!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Our Prayers Are Being Heard

A sister in the Lord had been very ill in her physical body. Despite the serious symptoms she was feeling she kept confessing God’s healing Word. We began praying that Jesus the “Great Physician” reach down from heaven--free her from all pain and heal her body. “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24

Victory Report: Many of our praying friends were notified and joined us in prayer. We are “rejoicing” with this sister. Her season of sickness came to a close and she was healed in Jesus name! To God be the Glory!

Email Us Your Prayer Request
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We Will Agree With You In Prayer For Your Special Need.
When Two Or More Agree Things Happen And Prayers Get Answered!

Thank you so much for reading this message. If you would like to make a copy or copies of this testimony, you are welcome to do so. Make sure your copy is in its entirety and the message should not be changed. Hilda Arredondo's name and her website and e-mail address should accompany this message as you print it. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail us. At this point the National Divine Connection of Prayer its Website and Morning Glory Kingdom Works has no representatives outside this ministry. We are NOT a non-profit entity or affiliated with any denomination or other churches. All ministry business is solely maintained by hilda arredondo, 195 El Shaddai Rd, Opelousas, La. 70570.

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