Thursday, February 24, 2011

"For with God nothing shall be impossible". Luke 1:37

A mother e-mailed us her prayer request. She asked us to please pray for her daughter who needed a job. We prayed that the God of Heaven open doors for a "Good Job" where she could be a light for Jesus and good Christian co-workers. "Call upon me, and I will answer..." Psalm 91:15

Within 2 weeks we received this PRAISE REPORT. It said, “I had emailed you to ask you to pray for my daughter. She needed a job. She is a waitress and found a job at a very nice restaurant. Thanks for the prayers. Her time unemployed caused her to really seek the Lord, so He knows what He is doing.” We thank the Lord for all those who prayed. "For with God nothing shall be impossible". Luke 1:37

Thursday, February 17, 2011


We received a prayer request from a concerned mother. She said, “Would you please lift my son up in prayer? He has developed a very noticeable facial tic that affects his eyes. It is a spasm that causes his eyes to close and open and he has no control over this. We added his need to the Wailing Wall and began to pray that GOD HEAL him of these spasms. "For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee..." Jeremiah 30:17.

A couple of months went by and we received this PRAISE REPORT from his mother, “I wrote a while back asking you to pray for my son, who had a bad facial tic which involved his eyes. PRAISE GOD, IT HAS GONE AWAY! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! Thank you and God bless you for lifting my son in prayer!”To God be the Glory for His Wonderful Miracle of Healing. "And the prayer of the faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up." James 5:15.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

God's Awesome Love For Us

We recently received an Urgent Prayer Request that said, “Our Brother Peter Is Missing please pray for him. We are very concerned for his safety and well being.” We immediately joined our prayers with theirs and prayed for God’s Grace & Help in quickly finding Bro. Peter--and to bring him back home safe and unharmed." "...he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee." Isaiah 30:19. Please know that there are many of us praying on this end for him.

We received this email a few days ago. It said, "PRAISE JESUS, PETER IS HOME, right after your prayers, I got the update that Peter is in my house now. Thanks for praying and thank you Jesus for your Awesome Care for Peter, Amen!" We Praise God with you. He is so good! Peter is loved by our God. “O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 136:26

Thursday, February 3, 2011

GOD’S HEART IS TO ANSWER…the Prayers of His People

On January 1st 2011 we received a prayer request for James, age 20, Fell 25ft. on His Head--Critical Condition. "..And pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16.

The GOOD NEWS is that through GOD'S LOVE and UNITED PRAYER he is RECOVERING and GOING HOME very soon. Thank you Jesus for Hearing and Answering Our Prayers!

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