Thursday, February 17, 2011


We received a prayer request from a concerned mother. She said, “Would you please lift my son up in prayer? He has developed a very noticeable facial tic that affects his eyes. It is a spasm that causes his eyes to close and open and he has no control over this. We added his need to the Wailing Wall and began to pray that GOD HEAL him of these spasms. "For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee..." Jeremiah 30:17.

A couple of months went by and we received this PRAISE REPORT from his mother, “I wrote a while back asking you to pray for my son, who had a bad facial tic which involved his eyes. PRAISE GOD, IT HAS GONE AWAY! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! Thank you and God bless you for lifting my son in prayer!”To God be the Glory for His Wonderful Miracle of Healing. "And the prayer of the faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up." James 5:15.

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