Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trust Jesus, And He Will Help You

We received an email requesting prayer for a precious sister in the Lord. “I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God…” Psalms 17:6. She wrote, “I really feel led to ask your prayer team to pray for me a computer.  The one I have is about worn out and I am really struggling to do my work right now. The Lord knows the one I need and He can provide it.”  Her need was prayed for and I encouraged her that Jesus knew of her need and would supply a computer for her. 

A few months later she emailed us and said, “I began doing some work  for my church and they had a computer that they weren't using and now it is working as my back up.  So that is an "Answer to Prayer.” “Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.” Psalm 37:4.

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