Thursday, April 19, 2018

Prayer for Healing

A five-year-old girl suffered a broken arm. The doctor reported that it was a bad break with some complications indicating to the parents that she might have some kind of to surgery in the future. We began praying and also notified our NDC Prayer Teams to please lift up this little Christian girl’s need for a healing miracle!“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.” James 5:15 (NIV)

The “Praise Report”came later that the doctor just shook his head when he checked her again and commented on how beautifully her arm had healed. The parents informed him that much prayer had gone forth for healing. The Doctor further said she was a "lucky girl," but those of us who prayed know that it wasn't "luck" but Jesus our Healer who is the Miracle Worker! To God Be The Glory! "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth them out of them all." Psalms 34:15

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